This article is Part 24 in a 25-Part Series.

This one is probably the hardest of the bonus crates to create as it has multi-tier changes. Let’s look at what we should expect with the upgrades

  • Level 2 (second tier): canonball speed increase.
  • Level 3 (third tier): can fire 2 canonballs at a time.
  • Level 4 (fourth tier): canonballs can destroy steel walls There is also a tank appearance change per upgrade.

Let’s go straight into creating the routine. The task will be handled by the Player Script as it is the difference between the Player tank and Enemy tank. First declare 3 sprite renderer variable called level2Tank, level3Tank, level4Tank with SerializeField. We will use this to update the tank appearance per update. Drag and drop 4 sprites of the different tank types. I reused the ones for the enemy.

Sprite level2Tank, level3Tank, level4Tank;

Now create a public integer variable called level defaulting it to 1, this is for the tank level tracking and create a new public routine called UpgradeTank. Below is the skeleton code for the UpgradeTank routine.

public int level=1;
public void UpgradeTank()
    if (level < 4)
        if (level == 2)
        	//change appearance to level2Tank
            //upgrade canonball speed
        else if (level == 3)
        	//change appearance to level3Tank
            //2 canonball shots at any time
        else if (level == 4)
        	//change appearance to level4Tank
            //canonball with destroysteel ability
There is no need to code for resetting to Level 1 when the player tank gets destroyed and respawn as the respawned tank will be the PlayerTank prefab which is with Level 1 Tank configuration

We can now code for the changes due to the level up. Since all the changes are on the projectile itself, the best place to write the code will be at the WeaponController script.

Upgrade projectile speed

Create a new public routine called UpgradeProjectileSpeed. The code for this routine is just to update the canonball speed via its reference variable canon.

public void UpgradeProjectileSpeed()
	speed = 20;
    canon.speed = speed; //initial speed is 10

That’s all we need.

2 shots per time

This is probably the most tricky of the 3. Because we are only using a single canonball for all the shots, we will need to create a second canonball. Create a new routine called GenerateSecondCanonBall. We will also declare a new Projectile variable called canon2 which is in addition to the first one named canon and a new GameObject variable canonBall2. Then we instantiate the new projectile at the same position as the first one and with same speed.

GameObject canonBall, canonBall2, fire;
private Projectile canon, canon2;
public void GenerateSecondCanonBall()
    canonBall2 = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    canon2 = canonBall2.GetComponent<Projectile>();
    canon2.speed = speed;

We can now update the Fire routine in WeaponController to take in the additional projectile if it is present to have a second shot.

public void Fire()
    if (canonBall.activeSelf == false)
        //move the projectile back to Gunport
        canonBall.transform.position = transform.position;
        //set the projectile rotation to that of Gunport
        canonBall.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
        //set the projectile to be active
        if (canonBall2 != null)
            if (canonBall2.activeSelf == false)
                //move the projectile back to canon barrel
                canonBall2.transform.position = transform.position;
                //set the projectile rotation to canon barrel front;
                canonBall2.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
                //set the projectile to be active

We also need to update the OnDestroy routine to take in the fact that the 2nd canonball needs to be destroyed if the tank is destroyed.

private void OnDestroy()
    //if the tank is destroyed. Send command to destroy the projectile once inactive
    if (canonBall != null) canon.DestroyProjectile();
    if (canonBall2 != null) canon2.DestroyProjectile();

Canonball with destroy steel wall ability

This is probably the easiest of the lot as we have done the preparation work in advance. Create a public routine called CanonBallPowerUpgrade. The code is simply to set the destroySteel boolean of the projectile script to true.

public void CanonBallPowerUpgrade()
    if (canonBall != null) canon.destroySteel = true;
    if (canonBall2 != null) canon2.destroySteel = true;

Consolidating everything

Now we can map back all the changes to the UpgradeTank routine in Player script.

public void UpgradeTank()
    if (level < 4)
        if (level == 2)
            transform.Find("Body").gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = level2Tank;
        else if (level == 3)
            transform.Find("Body").gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = level3Tank;
        else if (level == 4)
            transform.Find("Body").gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = level4Tank;

Create the bonus crate

Now we will create the bonus crate. Start by dragging and dropping the Sprite you have for Level up bonus crate into the hierarchy which Unity will help to create the Game Object for you. Call the Game Object LevelUp.Add a Box Collider 2D and assure its boundary fills the entire crate’s image, then make it a trigger. Also, assign Powerups layer to the Game Object. You should also set its Order In Layer to 2 to ensure it gets rendered on top of all objects.

Adjust the sprite's Pixels Per Unit so that the Game Object fills the same amount of area as a tank.

Now we will create the code for the LevelUp crate. Add a new script called LevelUp to the LevelUp Game Object. Set the class to inherit from PowerUps. The full code for LevelUp as below.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class LevelUp : PowerUps
    protected override void Start()
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)

Now we are ready to try out! I updated the map with Steel Walls to test all the upgrades.

Level up tank to next stage

One of the important features for the Level Up crate is that the level upgrade gets carried over to next stage. For the information to get carried over to the next stage we will need something that does not get destroyed when moving to next scene, so we will need MasterTracker. Declare a new public static integer called playerLevel defaulting its value to 1.

public static int playerLevel = 1;

Then we need to pass the information of the Tank Level from the stage to MasterTracker before it completes, the place to do this will be the LevelCompleted routine in GamePlayManager. Full code for the routine as below.

void LevelCompleted()
    tankReserveEmpty = false;
    Player player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Player>();
    MasterTracker.playerLevel = player.level;

Then we can add the code of upgraded tank. This will be done at the Start Mononehaviour of the Player script. This would mean the Player Script will check MasterTracker for the tank level before creating the Player Tank at the appropriate level.

void Start () {
    wc = GetComponentInChildren<WeaponController>();
    rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
    if (MasterTracker.playerLevel > 1)
        transform.Find("Body").gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = level2Tank;
        wc.level = 2;
        if (MasterTracker.playerLevel > 2)
            transform.Find("Body").gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = level3Tank;
            wc.level = 3;
            if (MasterTracker.playerLevel > 3)
                transform.Find("Body").gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = level4Tank;
                wc.level = 4;
The code above only changes the Sprite of the tank to its appropriate level. We will update a new public integer variable in WeaponController Script to complete adding the necessary powerups due to the level up.

Now we go to the WeaponController to add in the code for the powerups. Same as the Player script, we will be adding in the Start Monobehaviour. Also remember to create the public integer variable level. The full code as below.

public int level=1;
void Start () {
    canonBall = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    canon = canonBall.GetComponent<Projectile>();
    canon.speed = speed;
    fire = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
    if (level > 1) UpgradeProjectileSpeed();
    if (level > 2) GenerateSecondCanonBall();
    if (level > 3) CanonBallPowerUpgrade();
If you followed carefully, you would have realized we could just have called the powerup routines(UpgradeProjectileSpeed, GenerateSecondCanonBall, CanonBallPowerUpgrade) from the Player script as we already have a reference to the WeaponController there. I tried that, and it did not work because the powerup routines would have run before the Start Monobehaviour of WeaponController can run. This will result in the famous "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

The tank’s level will also be reset if it gets destroyed and respawns. So we need to update the Death routine in Health script so that it will reset the MasterTracker’s playerLevel value to 1.The updated code for Death routine as below.

void Death()
    GamePlayManager GPM = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent<GamePlayManager>();
    if (gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
        MasterTracker.playerLevel = 1;
    else {
        if (!divineIntervention)
            if (gameObject.CompareTag("Small")) MasterTracker.smallTanksDestroyed++;
            else if (gameObject.CompareTag("Fast")) MasterTracker.fastTanksDestroyed++;
            else if (gameObject.CompareTag("Big")) MasterTracker.bigTanksDestroyed++;
            else if (gameObject.CompareTag("Armored")) MasterTracker.armoredTanksDestroyed++;
        if (this.gameObject.GetComponent<BonusTank>().IsBonusTankCheck()) GPM.GenerateBonusCrate();

Now 1 last test to see if the level gets carried over to the next stage. We will put 3 LevelUp crates in the scene and leave only 1 enemy so we can destroy it quickly and see if the level up gets moved over.

All cleared! Let’s move to the last bonus crate- Spade.

This article is Part 24 in a 25-Part Series.