Hash Code Check For Files In A Folder Using Powershell (Part 1): Introduction
Microsoft has provided a means to generate hashcode using the File Checksum Integrity Verifier(fciv). It allows a hashcode to be generated for a single file and also for all files in a folder using the -xml option to write all the hashcode of files in a folder in an xml file.
But fciv has been created more than 10 years ago and being stated as unsupported means Microsoft will not enhance it further. fciv can only support up to cryptography standard of MD5 and SHA1 and currently higher standards(eg SHA256) are already available. So in order to overcome this, there are third party tools available in the market(including one from Microsoft via Powershell script). I have decided to take up a challenge to create one myself by writing it in Powershell.
Explanation without techie jargons
The layman explanation of the code is as below:
- Get all the files in a particular folder(including subfolders)
- Read the hash code of each individual file
- Write hash code of each individual file to an xml
- Final output will be the hash code of the xml file You can just get the end product code at the bottom. If you want to go through the whole long explanation of how its done, just go to next post.
function checkhash {
$source = Read-host "Input the path:"
$source = resolve-path -path $source
function gethash ($hashcheck){
$stream = ([IO.StreamReader]"$hashcheck").BaseStream
[string]$hashcode = -join ([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "SHA256" ).ComputeHash( $stream ) | ForEach { "{0:x2}" -f $_ })
$null = $stream.Seek(0,0)
return $hashcode
$filenames=gci -path $source -recurse | Where-Object {$_.mode -notmatch "d"} | select -expandproperty fullname
$folder=Split-Path $source -Leaf
foreach ($filename in $filenames){
$file = $filename.Substring($Source.Path.Length + 1)
$object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Path=$folder+ "\" + $file}
$hash = gethash $filename
$object = Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SHA256" -Value $Hash -PassThru
$objects += $object
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" >hash.xml
"<FILEHASH>" >>hash.xml
foreach ($object in $objects){
"`t<FILE_ENTRY>" >>hash.xml
"`t`t<name>" + $object.path + "</name>" >>hash.xml
"`t`t<SHA256>" + $object.SHA256 + "</SHA256>" >>hash.xml
"`t</FILE_ENTRY>" >>hash.xml
"</FILEHASH>" >>hash.xml
$hash = gethash "hash.xml"